Ordering Information

Is it safe to order online?

Of course! VALLKREE uses the Pay Pal payment gateway, Your financial information stays safe with PayPal. Your credit card and bank account numbers are never shared with online stores, and you’re 100% protected against unauthorised payments sent from your account, If however you still feel uneasy about ordering online feel free to contact us by email at nzinfo@vallkree.com and we will contact you to arrange the order.

Are my personal details safe with VALLKREE?

VALLKREE practices safe e–commerce. We do not store credit card details and at no time do we share any of our customer’s information with any other parties. We do retain customer information in the interest of further communication with our customers. If at any time you would like your information removed from our files please contact us.

How do I order?

Buying online is easy: browse through our categories and click the “Add to cart” button for any item you’d like. When you’ve finished shopping, click through to your shopping cart and enter your delivery address and payment details as requested.

Returns and exchanges

What are the refunds/exchange policy?

We do not offer you a refund or an exchange.

What if my goods are damaged or faulty?

We take great care ensuring your goods have been checked for damages prior to delivery. If however they are found to be damaged or faulty on delivery, please notify us within 2 days of receiving your goods and the faulty item will be replaced. Faulty Goods must be returned in the original packaging for an exchange.

If you have any questions about payment or delivery, or any special requests please Contact Us at nzinfo@vallkree.com  Please refer to our terms and conditions.

Making Payments

How do I make a payment?

Online using your bank account, Visa, Mastercard, Amex & Diners through Pay Pal or by direct internet transfer*. To pay via direct internet transfer, select this option in the check out process and you will be given the bank accounts details in which your payment can be made. Once your payment has cleared into our account we will ship your item, please allow an extra 2-3 days on top of the standard delivery time.

About our Bikes

What's the different sizes between the bike models?

We've created this handy little size chart to help with difference in sizes of our bike models.

Download the Vallkree Frame Size Chart here

What's the difference between a belt drive and a bike chain?

Belt Drive Pros

* Belts do not fall off easy.
* They do not rust.
* They do not need lubricating.
* They are not messy to touch.
* Belts should last longer.
* They are a great system for off road and beach use.

What's the difference between the Drifter and the Scrambler?

The Drifter sits wider in the back end this allows for 4 inch tyres, which generally sits better for a bigger person.

* The rims are wider
* The headlight is bigger
* The logo is bigger
* It comes standard with a 48 volt battery system for more torque. 

The Scramber noticeably has a smaller stance

* It has thinner rims
* Smaller headlight
* Smaller logo
* Comes standard as a 36 volt battery system
* This scrambler is priced at the entry level of the VALLKREE fleet.

Can I customise my bike?

The custom parts you may be able to change at an extra cost, and due to availability are as follows:

* A full range of tanks.
* Tyre colour and possibly size.
* Seat and grip colour options are black and brown only.

What the difference between the motor sizes of the 250w vs 500w?

Our most common motor size is the 250 watts VALLKREE motor.

Is the EN certified 250 watt Japanese motor this is restricted to 25 kmph, it does come with a thumb throttle but it will cut out at 6kmph, this is just enough speed for a smooth take off.

The 500 watts VALLKREE motor can only be used off road on private property.

We still restrict it to 250 watts and 25 kmph and the throttle will be unattached as it has a full power over ride. This is our duty of care. When we ship to the U.S this is the motor we send, as they have much higher restrictions than most other countries.

What's the range of the bike for battery size?

This will depend on many factors, ie: riders weight, terrain, and P.A.S level selected.

How do I assemble my bike?

Visit our DIY how to page to assemble your Vallkree Electric Bike or Sidecar/Cargo Bike.

Click here to download the instructions or watch the unboxing and assembly video